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Business Field Studies: CFS 395-0

Credits available: 2-4 credits during Fall, Winter or Spring.  Can be taken for 1, 2, 3 or 4 credits in Summer ONLY. 

Credits toward degree: CFS credits typically count towards general elective credits.  

For Weinberg students who started at Northwestern before Summer 2023, this course will count one credit toward Weinberg Distribution Requirement for Area III: Social and Behavioral Sciences. 

For Weinberg students who started at Northwestern in or after Summer 2023 (including transfer students), this course currently does not count toward any Foundational Disciplines or WCAS requirements.  

For students in other NU schools, please talk with your academic advisor to see if this or other CFS classes count towards any requirements for you.  

Course Description

Business Field Studies examines the organizational and cultural forms of work and the modern business workplace. Businesses from Wall Street to Silicon Valley have developed different corporate cultures. Understanding key issues and aspects of these cultures will help students find where they can thrive and give them the tools to negotiate issues they will face in their own workplace. Both courses equip students with practical tools to analyze their internship experience through the lens of current issues including globalization and localization, demographic shifts, business ethics, and futurology studies on the future of workStudents engage with the issues drawing on theoretical and practical materials including current events, news, and media. 

Possible instructor: Nina Wieda

Types of Internships that relate to the Business Field Studies course: