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Is Pay Required?

CFS Internships pay data from AY24: 

AY 24 Internship Pay Chart

CFS does not require nor do we prohibit pay, however we ask all employers to keep in mind:

Compensation may include a travel stipend, Illinois minimum wage, or the prevailing wage for interns.  Below are mean hourly rates published by the National Association of Colleges and Employers

NACE intern wages chart

"For profit" private sector employers who choose to have unpaid internships should pass the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division six prong test for unpaid internships under the Fair Labor Standards Act. According to Fact Sheet #71: Internship Programs Under The Fair Labor Standards Act “the following six criteria must be applied when making this determination:

If you are a "for profit" private sector employer considering the issue of compensation, we encourage you to comply with The U.S. Department of Labor.

Any financial assistance that you can offer a CFS student helps offset the additional costs of interning with you.

Thank you for helping CFS students explore a field, gain experience, and expand their knowledge of the working world! If you have any questions, please contact Karen Allen at or 847-467-0549.