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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the time commitment required for the CFS program?

CFS requires a considerable time commitment for a student - whether interning full time or part time. See more on the During the CFS quarter. 

What are the prerequisites for applying to CFS?

You must be in at least in your sophomore year, have attended an information session, and submit your application during the application period to be considered for CFS. If you are applying with your own internship, please see the applying with your own internship page.

Who is eligible for CFS?

We welcome students from all schools and majors, including international and exchange students. Please find more information on our eligibility page

How much does CFS cost?

Costs for CFS may include transportation to and from your internship on top of Northwestern tuition. Additionally, you may need to buy lunch close to your internship site if working in-person and purchase professional clothing. Please see our Costs and Financial Aid page for more information. Students with demonstrated financial need are eligible to receive additional financial aid to help defray some of the costs associated with unpaid CFS internships. These stipends will be awarded by the Financial Aid Office to students at the beginning of their CFS quarter.

How do I choose a CFS course?

To pick a course, you should consider which course topics best match the type of internships you are interested in and how much time you have to devote to doing CFS.

Are all courses offered every quarter?

Some are, but not all.  Check the Schedule of CFS Course Offerings for the year to see when a course is offered.

How many credits can I get for doing CFS?

You may receive between 1 and 4 credits depending on your internship commitment and availability.

Can I count credits from my CFS experience towards my major or minor?

Possibly, you should check with your major or minor advisor. See the How CFS Credit Works page for more information.

What kinds of internships are available through Chicago Field Studies?

CFS maintains relationships with many businesses and organizations in the Chicagoland area. Students are also welcome to explore opportunities beyond CFS employer partners.

How does CFS help me with landing an internship?

CFS offers an extensive advising and search process to help you secure an internship.

If I am accepted to CFS, is an internship guaranteed?

No, CFS does not guarantee and internship. Students have better luck securing an internship going through the CFS advising and search process

When do I need to apply?

You should apply in the application period for the quarter you are interested in participating in. Typically, this is about 1 quarter in prior to participation. Remember, you will need to complete an information session before applying.

Do you accept applications after the application deadlines?

Yes, under certain conditions we are able to consider applications after the deadline.

What if I find an internship on my own and need academic credit?

If you have already secured an internship, please see the applying with your own internship page.

Is it possible to do CFS for more than one quarter?

Yes, WCAS students are able to do internship programs for up to 6 units of credit. Students from other schools should check with an academic advisor to find out their school’s policy on internship program credits.

Are there any opportunities for graduate students to do the CFS program?

Please see more information on our graduate opportunities page. 

Who should I contact if I have questions?

We are happy to answer any questions you have about the program, please contact us at 847-467-0605 or at