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First-Year Focus

What is Chicago Field Studies?

Chicago Field Studies (CFS) is an experiential-learning program that allows a student to intern in a field of their choice while thinking critically about that work in an attached course for credit. 

CFS enrolls over 500 sophomores, juniors, and seniors a year in courses such as “Business Field Studies” and “Field Studies in Public Health,” encompassing an array of internship sites across Chicagoland and beyond. While CFS courses vary by topic, all entail readings, assignments, and activities that challenge students to grapple with fundamental questions about their fields and experiences.    

CFS staff offer intensive career advising before and during the internship. They facilitate internship opportunities with local organizations, guide students to develop professional communication skills, and connect students with resources, including support for International Students, FGLI students, and students receiving Financial Aid.  

Can first-years do cfs?

First-years cannot enroll in CFS, which means that they cannot do the internship-course quarter in their first year. 

The earliest a student can enroll in CFS is in the Summer Quarter between first and second year as a rising sophomore. For more information, see our eligibility page

A student who wants to enroll in CFS in the Summer Quarter between their first and second year would need to apply to CFS in Winter of their first year and, if accepted, do the CFS advising process in Winter/Spring of first year.  

Please keep in mind: Summer internships are more competitive than in the regular school year, so rising sophomores may not be able to secure a summer internship through CFS. Acceptance to CFS does not guarantee an internship. For more information see our Summer Session with CFS page

What now?

  1. Learn more about CFS by looking through our website, especially the Internship, Courses, and Application Information pages. 
  2. Talk with your academic advisor early to ensure that you can fit CFS into your degree program and plan for the optimal time to do it.  
  3. Focus on taking core courses in your major or field of interest. (Students hoping to land finance internships should try to take the Accounting class in the Business Institutions Program.)  
  4. Getting involved in campus life! Consider joining a student group and aiming for a leadership position over time.  
  5. International students: consider trying to get a campus job in order to apply for and receive a social security number, which makes work authorization easier when doing CFS. (Offices to consider:  Athletic Advising, Phonathon, or research assistant positions with faculty in your discipline.) 
  6. If you’re considering applying to CFS for Summer Session, be sure to review the Summer with CFS page.