Course + Internship
Course + Internship = The CFS Experience
Chicago Field Studies links academic study and practical experience by combining a course and internship. Students learn through working at an internship of their choosing while taking a related course.
Internships are a requirement of all CFS courses
A student cannot enroll in a CFS course without an internship that has been vetted by the CFS team through our application process.
Credit is earned through academic coursework
CFS follows an experiential learning model where coursework is connected to field experience in the form of an internship. Students participating in CFS earn academic credit for the work done in their CFS course. CFS courses typically count as general credits toward graduation but may count towards majors, minors, or other degree requirements. We encourage you to talk with your academic advisors prior to applying for CFS. Students participating for 4 units of credit are expected to dedicate their quarter exclusively to their CFS course and internship.
Course credit options
Students can do CFS for different amounts of credit depending on their internship hours and the credit options available in each CFS course. See the How CFS Credit Works and Course List By Quarter pages to determine the credit level that works for you.